Company Profile

The Company originally incorporated on 20 th Day of April, 1989 with the name of "Gujrat Gaurantee and Financial Ltd. in 2001 company has changed the name “ANJANI FINANCE LIMITED” it is a Non Banking Finance Company and Investment and Loan Company registered under Reserve Bank of India. The Company was incorporated with the objects to provide money with or without security to such persons or bodies corporate and to acquire, hold, sell, buy or otherwise deal in any shares, stocks, debentures, bonds, mortgages, obligations and other securities. The Company is listed with Bombay Stock Exchange, Mumbai. Company is working under Flagship of "Agarwal Group".

"Agarwal Group" is a well known group in M.P., having its head office at Indore, it was established in the year 1975 under the able vision and leadership of its promoters. The group has diversified into various activities like Trading Industries, Education, and Entertainment sector viz trading of Coal, Lignite, Transportation, Warehousing, Finance, Real Estate and Leasing, Packaging, Industry, Flour Mill, Cold Storage, International Standards of Schools and Institute of Technology, Village Resort and generation of Electricity by setting up a Wind Energy Mill.